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Silent Hill f Banned In Australia

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The Vibrant Visuals update has been announced for Minecraft. The update will redefine the graphics but will not introduce any gameplay changes to the game at all. Initially, it will be made available for the Bedrock Edition of the game, with plans to bring it to the Java edition after that. We don't know the release date yet for the Vibrant Visuals update but it is set to come out in a few months time. Do you play Minecraft? And the next bit of news for today is the release date for the remaster of Onimushi 2 has been announced. The game director explained that the remaster is more than a visual upgrade and that there will be some slight gameplay changes and also minigames will be made available from the beginning, whereas in the original you had to finish the main story before the minigames unlocked. The remaster of Onimushi 2 will be releasing on 23 May 2025. Which Onimusha game do you like the most? And the last bit of news for today is Silent Hill f has been banned in Australia. When the game was sent to the classification board, they weren't able to classify the game at all. The game is too much even for the R 18+ and the X 18+ ratings they have in Australia. We will see if the game gets censored so that it can be released in Australia. When we know the release date for Silent Hill f, I'll be sure to mention it on the Gaming News. Are you interested in a game like Silent Hill f?

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