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Baldur's Gate 3 Final Subclasses Revealed

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Clair Obscur Expedition 33 has gone Gold. What that means is, is that the game is ready to be burnt to a master disk and then sold. The game will be releasing on the 24 Apr 2025. Are you interested in a game like Clair Obscur Expedition 33? And the next bit of news for today is that there's speculation about a side story for God of War. A well known gaming journalist has said that a God of War side story set in Greece, will be released later this year. He has said it's a side project that has nothing to do with the next main entry in the series, which is still speculated to be set in Egypt. When we know details about the next God of War game, I'll be sure to mention it on the Gaming News. What do you hope to see from the next God of War game? And the last bit of news for today is the final subclasses for Patch 8 of Baldur's Gate 3 have been announced. They will be the Swashbuckler Rogue, the Shadow Magic Sorcerer, the the Hexblade Warlock and the Bladesinging Wizard. Larian Studios released a video to explain what the different new subclasses will do. We don't know when patch 8 will be released for Baldur's Gate 3, but when we do I'll be sure to mention it on the Gaming News. Which class do you like the most in RPGs?

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