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Final Fantasy 7 Remake Part 3 Interview

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Valve have introduced Steam Families. With Steam families, you'll be able to connect your account with up to five others. It'll allow the different members of the family to share their game libraries. If you're playing multiplayer games, however, you'll need multiple copies of the game in order to play them. The parent role will also be able to add or remove members from the family. The child role will be able to request purchases from their parents, and it's down to the parents to approve or deny the purchase request. The parental controls will also be able to limit the screen time of their kids. Would you use such a feature if you're a parent? And the next bit of news for today is IGN have released their first preview of inZOI. inZOI is being marketed as a realistic Sims game. There's an in depth character creator and you can build the entire city and life around the avatars that you create. There isn't a release date yet for inZOI, but when there is, I'll be sure to announce it on the Gaming News. Are you interested in a game like inZOI? And the last bit of news for today is the creators of Final Fantasy VII Remake and Rebirth had an interview with Anime News Network. In the interview, they spoke about the third and final part of the Final Fantasy VII Remake series. It said that the game will be faithful to the story of the original Final Fantasy VII, but that it will introduce many new elements, including character backstories that'll further enhance the fans enjoyment of the game. They have also previously stated that they would like the third part of the Final Fantasy VII Remake series to be not just the best in the series, but one of the most beloved video games of all time. We will see if they are able to accomplish that. When there's more news about the third part of the Final Fantasy VII Remake series, I'll be sure to mention it on the Gaming News. Did you play Final Fantasy VII Remake or Final Fantasy VII Rebirth?

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