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Final Fantasy 7 Remake Part 3 Engine Update

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The remaster of Until Dawn will be releasing on the 04 Oct 2024 on PlayStation 5 and PC. The developers of the game released a comparison trailer to show the original game versus the remaster. Have you played Until Dawn before? And the next bit of news for today is SEGA has announced Two Point Museum. It will be the next of the Two Point games after Two Point Hospital and Two Point Campus. For now, there isn't a release date for Two Point Museum, but when there is, I'll be sure to announce it on the Gaming News. Have you played a Two Point game before? And the last bit of news for today is Final Fantasy 7 Remake Part 3 might be switching to Unreal Engine 5. That's according to the Director of the game during an interview with CG World Japan. For now, they're weighing the options between Unreal Engine 4 and Unreal Engine 5, and it's the Director's belief that as long as it doesn't cause an undue delay, then it might be worth switching to Unreal Engine 5. By the time the third part of Final Fantasy 7 Remake comes out, we will see if the PlayStation 5 Pro has been released as well. Which character do you like the most in Final Fantasy 7?

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