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Lost Soul Aside Upcoming Gameplay

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Metal Slug Awakening has been released. It's a remake of the original Metal Slug games available for mobile phone. You can download the game on iOS or Android if you're interested. Have you played a Metal Slug game before? And the next bit of news for today is the workers of Bethesda have unionized. What that means is, is that they're working together with a union to make sure that they have better working conditions and that collectively they can negotiate deals with their owner, Microsoft. Microsoft has welcomed the unionization of Bethesda and we will see if it spreads to other Microsoft owned studios. Which Bethesda game do you like the most? And the last bit of news for today is the creator of Lost Soul Aside, Yang Bing, will be present at the China Joy convention. On the 26 Jul 2024, he will be answering questions about the game as well as presenting a new gameplay trailer. There isn't a release date for the game yet, but when there is, I'll be sure to announce it on the Gaming News. Are you looking forward to Lost Soul Aside?

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