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Monster Hunter Wilds Previews Released

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Ubisoft have revealed the next Anno game. Anno 117 Pax Romano will be releasing during 2025. So far we've only received a live action trailer. When we see gameplay of the game and a release date, I'll be sure to mention it on the Gaming News. Which Anno game do you like the most? And the next bit of news for today is Capcom have announced that Resident Evil Village has surpassed more than 10 million sales to date. It makes it one of the most successful Resident Evil games in the franchise. Resident Evil 7 also saw more than 10 million sales. Which game do you like the most in the Resident Evil franchise? And the last bit of news for today is previews of Monster Hunter Wilds have started to emerge. Big gaming outlets as well as independent content creators got to see behind the scenes gameplay at the Summer Game Fest. Notable content creator Maximilian DOOD made a preview video where he explained that the zones in Monster Hunter Wilds will be at least two to three times larger than Monster Hunter World, the different style of combat you'll engage with, as well as how you can set up remote bases to traverse around the big zones quicker. Monster Hunter Wilds is set to release during 2025. When we know the actual release date, I'll be sure to mention it on the Gaming News. Did you play Monster Hunter World?

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