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Activision Blizzard Settles $56m Unequal Pay Dispute

By Mazen (Mithrie) Turkmani
Published: December 17, 2023 at 8:35 AM GMT

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Key Takeaways

đŸ“ē Hellblade 2 Release Date Leak

Hellblade 2, the much-anticipated sequel, is rumored to be releasing on May 21, 2024. This leak has sparked considerable excitement among fans, especially those who enjoyed the first Hellblade game. The original title, known for its deep narrative and psychological themes, set a high bar. While leaks should be approached cautiously, the prospect of continuing this unique journey is thrilling. Hellblade 2 promises to enhance the gaming experience with improved mechanics and a deeper storyline, reflective of the developers' commitment to quality. Read more about this leak on Comic Book.

đŸ“ē The Game Awards 2023 Viewership

The Game Awards 2023 marked a milestone, attracting a record 118 million viewers. This achievement underscores the event's growing influence since its inception in 2014. The 2023 edition saw notable enhancements, including better stage security and streamlined acceptance speeches, contributing to a more engaging experience. This evolution is a testament to the gaming community's growing presence and the industry's dedication to celebrating its achievements. As a gamer, witnessing the evolution of The Game Awards is a remarkable experience, reflecting the dynamic nature of the gaming industry. Discover more about the viewership record at VGC.

đŸ“ē Activision Blizzard Unequal Pay Settlement

In a significant development, Activision Blizzard has settled an unequal pay lawsuit, agreeing to pay $56 million to female workers. This settlement marks a crucial step towards addressing gender pay disparities in the gaming industry. It also highlights the ongoing challenges companies face in ensuring fair and equitable treatment for all employees. With Activision Blizzard's recent acquisition by Microsoft, many are hopeful for positive changes in working conditions and corporate culture. This settlement may pave the way for more inclusive practices in the gaming sector. For further details, visit Venture Beat.

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Author Details

Photo of Mazen 'Mithrie' Turkmani

Mazen (Mithrie) Turkmani

I have been creating gaming content since August 2013, and went full-time in 2018. Since then, I have published hundreds of gaming news videos and articles. I have had a passion for gaming for more than 30 years!

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The news stories on are selected by me based on their relevance to the gaming community. I strive to present the news in a fair and unbiased manner, and I always link to the original source of the news story or provide screenshots in the video above.