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EA Sports to drop FIFA Title

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Yurukuyaru, tweeted out a video showing Etchu-Daimon Station made in Unreal Engine 5. And it looks really impressive. It looks really good. And there's been a lot of positive reaction to it showing what the future of games might look like, horror games might become a lot more scarier and stuff like that. My reaction to it was the fact that there's already a lot of fake images and videos circulating in the media showing different events which didn't happen. And with the upscale of graphics, it's going to become even harder to distinguish in the future between what's real and what isn't. The next bit of news for today is Blizzard experienced a DDoS attack yesterday which involves an attacker using bots to send a huge amount of web traffic at the servers or website of the victim to try and overwhelm their services and take them down. And as a result, Overwatch and World of Warcraft were down for a short time yesterday, which has since been resolved. But last night Asmongold was doing a transmog competition on his live stream in front of 60,000 viewers and the game went down while he was in the middle of doing it. That can show the interruption that these attacks can do on their victims. And the last bit of news for today is EA Sports is going to be breaking away from the FIFA brand and renaming their games to EA Sports FC. That's due to a breakdown of negotiations on the licensing agreement between FIFA and EA Sports. FIFA have said that they are intending to use their own name to create their own games to rival the EA Sports games. EA Sports have created FIFA branded games since 1993. It's interesting that FIFA would like to go on their own. And we will see in the future what that means for football games.

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