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Future PlayStation Acquisitions

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An article on Windows Central has spoken about a family plan for Xbox Game Pass. Much like the family plan for YouTube Premium, for example, you'll be able to share Xbox Game Pass with your family members. If you have the Ultimate version, you'll also be able to download PC versions of the games, which is great. I personally don't even have the latest Xbox Console, but with the Ultimate Xbox Game Pass, I don't need it. And some games come out on Day One, as in the first day that they would be released widely, they are available on Xbox Game Pass. Lately I've been interested in checking out the game Weird West. If you're interested then know that the family plan is coming to Xbox Game Pass soon. The next bit of news for today is Jim Ryan who is the CEO of PlayStation, spoke on the PlayStation Podcast talking about the acquisitions that PlayStation have made lately. They now have more than 18 internal Studios, which develop different games and also Studios which specialize in porting to PC which is good for the future of PlayStation. He has said that they are working on more acquisitions. Personally, I would like to see PlayStation take over Capcom, Square Enix companies like that. We'll see in the future if that happens. And this week's feature and shout out is going to go to Distortion2. The Distortion2 is a speed runner who has done a lot of speed runs over the years. He's gained a lot of notoriety lately because of his speed runs of Elden Ring. He's able to finish the entire of Elden Ring in less than 20 minutes. He uploads all of his speed runs as well to his own YouTube channel. Check out Distortion2 if you haven't checked him out before, if you're into any sort of speed running. He's attended a lot of the speed running events as well. I've been watching him for years. I really like his style. He keeps things chill, but he does get really excited when he achieves new records, which is really great to see.

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