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PS5 Backwards Compatibility

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Games Done Quick tweeted out, saying "AGDQ 2022 has raised more than $3.4 million for Prevent Cancer. This is officially the most we've ever raised in the history of Games Done Quick, another world record. Thank you to everyone who made this marathon possible and thank you all for your generosity and support." As I reported a few days ago, Games Done Quick is a speed running event where they gather together a lot of speed runners and they raise money for charity. And it happens twice a year. I'm really glad that it went really well again. And it seems to be going up every single time. Good, I'm really happy about that. And the next bit of news for today is there's rumors at the moment that PlayStation 5 could be adding backwards compatibility for PlayStation 3 games. People have spotted PlayStation 3 games listed on the PlayStation 5 store with a price tag. And there's talk of patents being filed by Sony and so on. And looking a little bit into it, the pricing of PlayStation 3 games on the PlayStation 5 store is exactly the same as the subscription to PlayStation Now, so it might be streamed rather than being able to buy them. And we have to just wait and see. I don't think that there's anything yet official from PlayStation. And it goes further than that because people are talking about will there ever be backwards compatibility for PlayStation 2 and also PlayStation 1 games as well? We will have to see. I think it would be great if they did, but there's nothing official yet. We have to just wait and see. And this week's feature and shout out is going to go to theRadBrad. theRadBrad is a YouTuber who specializes in gaming walkthroughs and playthroughs. He has amassed almost 13 million subscribers and billions of views. Chances are if you're looking for gaming walkthroughs, you'll find his channel first. And in fact, I really love how he's done things on his channel. I've been watching him for years. I tend to go back if I want to look up old games, I go to his channel first because it's nice to get another person's perspective on games rather than just my own. And if you look at my Let's Play channel on YouTube, you will see that it's modeled after theRadBrad because I am inspired by the work he has done for the gaming he's done over the years. Shout out to theRadBrad and be sure to check out his channel.

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