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Final Fantasy 7 Remake PS5 Seraphic Earring

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Vampyr is going to be available for free for the next couple of hours on Epic Games Store and then hopefully we'll find out what's available for Christmas Day. If you don't know, Epic Games Store is doing a 15 free games promotion where every single day they're giving out free games so you can redeem them, add them to your account and they're yours forever at no expense to you. Be sure to take advantage if you're interested. Vampyr is a very interesting game. I have played it before. Basically you play as a vampire and also would be detective trying to work out is someone more sinister than you going through the town and causing mayhem. It's a very interesting game. I would recommend it. And then the next bit of news for today is Hideo Kojima has tweeted out a holiday card for the season, but people are looking at the image that has been put into the post card and coming up with all these conspiracy theories. Is it a hint of a new game? What does it mean? Have we seen these before? Are they doing a collaboration with Square Enix because Hideo Kojima was recently taking photos with someone from Square Enix and so on. We will see. I would say it's best to just wait for actual announcements before you speculate on these things. And then the last bit of news for today is Final Fantasy 7 Remake have given out a free gift. They tweeted out saying "Whether you're playing Final Fantasy 7 Remake or Episode Intermission on PlayStation 5, we've got something that might help. The Seraphic Earring will automatically revive you from incapacitation once per battle and you can grab yours for free now." If you visit the link that was provided, and this is for PlayStation 5 only, and it says "A pair of wing shaped earrings that can revigorate one's mind and body. Automatically revives the wearer from Incapacitation." It's a nice little bonus gift. If you're still playing through Final Fantasy 7 Remake or Intermission on PlayStation 5, then be sure to take advantage. It might especially help you on the Hard Mode. I would recommend to equip it to your healer.

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