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Farming Simulator 22 Sales Record

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Jurassic World Evolution 2 is getting it's first DLC on the 09 Dec 2021 called the Early Cretaceous Pack. It will include four dinosaurs from the era, as well as a free update which will allow you to play the five campaign mode maps in the Sandbox mode. If you don't know, Jurassic World Evolution is a management game where you can create Jurassic Parks. Simple as that. You can create parks where you put dinosaurs on display. But there's so many things you have to think about. You have to think about the safety of your visitors. Are the dinosaurs being taken care of? Is their enclosures good for their wants and needs? Does it have the right plantation? Does it need sand? Does it need rocks? Things like that. You have to think about so many things and also as well. Sometimes the dinosaurs can get sick. Can you cure them? And stuff like that while also making a profit. And the first Jurassic World Evolution game was also great as well. And Jurassic World Evolution 2 definitely expands on it and there's also a mode after you complete the main campaign, which allows you to play through a dedicated map for each of the movies like Jurassic Park and Jurassic World Evolution and so on. I would highly recommend it, so be sure to check it out. The next bit of news for today is it's been confirmed that the Steam Deck, which is the upcoming handheld device from Valve, which will allow you to play PC games from the Steam library, will not have any exclusive games. It will simply just be a handheld device to play PC games on the go. It had to be confirmed that way because there was some speculation about it and it's been confirmed that there won't be any. It's case of do you want to play PC games on the go? The Steam Deck might be your option. The last bit of news for today is Farming Simulator 22 has broken sales records for its type of game, shifting one and a half million copies, which means it's a sold more copies than Battlefield 2042. I know there's been a lot of these sort of simulator games, but like Jurassic World Evolution, they can actually be really fun, if you're into that management style. You just want to take something, whether it's a farm, whether it's a gas station, where it's whatever, and turn it into a profitable business. Whether you're trying to set up a PC shop, there's PC Building Simulator, there are so many of them, but some of them can be really fun and really good to play. If you want to check out Farming Simulator 22.

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