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Resident Evil 4 Remake Leak

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Sony has patented a technology of a new controller designed for mobile devices. It looks almost like the JoyCon it's basically like a PlayStation 4 controller split in half and it will attach each side to a device, the device being probably your mobile phone. It's a little bit different to the xCloud Xbox controller, where you basically just connect the Xbox controller and then the phone sits on top. We will see how it works. Personally, I prefer just using a normal controller than this, but we will see if Sony announce any sort of mobile streaming or equivalent to Xbox xCloud in the future. And then the next bit of news for today is today is Cyber Monday, which is a continuation of Black Friday, which basically you might get deals on, for example, any sort of tech, VR headsets, headsets, whatever you like. Take a look, see if there's anything interesting that you want to snag. And it's the last big sale event before Christmas, basically, which is next month. And then the last bit of news for today is Resident Evil 4 Remake has potentially been leaked by one of the voice actors working on the game. He has completely broken NDA. He has published a concept art of something that will be in Resident Evil 4. I won't feature it here, but still I find those sort of things kind of funny, so you could probably find it online with a very quick search on Google.

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