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GTA Trilogy Patch 1.02

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Video Transcript

Hello, guys, and welcome to the Gaming News for 21 Nov 2021. Rockstar have already released a patch for the Grand Theft Auto The Trilogy - The Definitive Edition Patch 1.02, which has many fixes for a lot of the games. But we will see over the next few days how people feel about the patch and whether there's still issues that Rockstar needs to fix. I'll just wait a bit longer before I jump back into Grand Theft Auto III. I was having a lot of fun with it and I will eventually play through all of them. I'm very happy to play them again after all this time, especially given that they were PlayStation 2 era games. And then the next bit of news for today is Phil Spencer, who is the head of Xbox, wants to see emulations such as Xbox Backwards compatibility become an industry standard and he would like to see it implemented now for the preservation of games in the future because that's what we've been talking about lately. Grand Theft Auto The Trilogy. They're PlayStation 2 games, Nintendo 64 games on the Switch. They came out 20 years ago and people really want to play them because they were great when we played them 20 years ago, and it would really be nice to play those games on modern platforms and he wants to see more of it as a standard in the future. Hopefully, that will happen because I would support that 100% because I have some very fond memories of the gaming and the games I played 20 years ago and I do want to preserve them and revisit them when I can. And then this week's feature and shout out is going to go to one of my favorite streamers, CohhCarnage. CohhCarnage is a variety streamer on Twitch. He also has a YouTube channel where all of his streams are backed up and he's got a really good team behind him as well. He's got a great mod team, a really knowledgeable, very clever developers that make the gaming and streaming experience of his stream as great as possible. And he's very dedicated to what he does. He will stream about three times a day, literally. He'll have a morning stream, an afternoon stream and a cozy evening stream. I draw a lot of inspiration from the way he's been able to set up his streaming and also as well. He's just a really nice guy and he just wants to play games. I think that's what I've touched on before is as a gamer myself, I just want to play games and have fun and I really believe that he wants the same thing. And he's also helped to generate millions of dollars for charity over the years and stuff like that. If you want to, check out CohhCarnage if you've never heard of him. That's it for the Gaming News for this week. Thank you so much to all the new followers I've seen quite a few of you lately. And I will see you tomorrow. Thanks guys. Bye bye.

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