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Resident Evil Village DLC

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PlayStation have revealed what the free games are going to be on PlayStation Plus in November. They include Knockout City, Re-Reckoning, and the PlayStation VR game in First Class Trouble. The way it works is as long as you have an active subscription on PlayStation Plus, you can redeem extra games every single month and download them and play them anytime in the future, as long as you've added them to your account, and then the second your PlayStation Plus subscription has expired, you can't play them anymore. It also gives you other benefits, including being able to play games online, for example. That's what they're adding for PlayStation Plus this month. Nothing significant, but whatever is free. And then the next bit of news for today is the Prince of Persia Sands of Time Remake has been delayed. Ubisoft tweeted out saying "We want to take a moment to reassure you that the development of Prince of Persia The Sands of Time Remake is still underway. Motivated and inspired by your feedback, we will update you on our progress in the future and want to thank all of you for your unwavering support and patience." If you've been waiting for it know that you have to wait just a little bit longer before you get your hands on it. And then the last bit of news for today is Capcom has revealed via an annual report that they're actually working on free DLC for Resident Evil Village. In the financial report it says "Further, we will drive our customer management to understand the playing trends and preference of users while also building a business model for online operations, taking into account the situation of our free additional DLC for titles such as Monster Hunter Rise and Resident Evil Village." We will see what DLC comes out. I absolutely love Resident Evil Village. I played it like crazy. I got the Platinum Trophy. Any extra DLC they're going to bring to the game, so be it. And apparently that goes alongside with paid DLC that we might get our hands on with that later on. We will see what they are in the future.

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