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FF16 on State of Play

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CD Projekt Red have acquired the studio, The Molasses Flood, so they tweeted out saying "The Molasses Flood, a video games development studio located in Boston, joins the CD Projekt Group. Welcome to the family!" And then they link to a Press release talking about it. The studio will still remain somewhat independent. It will still develop its own thing, but it will assist CD Projekt Red on games like The Witcher 3 and Cyberpunk 2077 for now. And then we'll see in the future what they are going to do. That's interesting. I'm not sure if I've ever played any games from the studio, but it's interesting that CD Projekt Red have acquired them. And then the next bit of news for today is Rockstar Games have now revealed the price of the GTA trilogy. In the US it will be $60 and then in the UK it will be £54.99. Now I feel that that's a reasonable price because it's three games and not only three games, they're huge games each one will give you probably 100 hours of gameplay if you 100% them and explore every nook and cranny of the maps. It's up to you. And the PlayStation version will include the PlayStation 5 version or PlayStation 4. You download which one you want. Obviously I'm going to be getting the PlayStation 5 one, so I think that's a decent price, but let me know how you feel about it. Do you think it's worth it for that money? The last bit of news for today is Final Fantasy 16 is reportedly going to be at next week's State of Play for PlayStation. PlayStation next week are going to do a State of Play focused on third party titles, but they've been working with Square Enix to update the Final Fantasy 16 website, so we will see if we get more information about FFXVI because it's been a while since we had any information. We got a trailer. The website was set up showing a brief introduction to the game, but it's been a little bit dormant since then. Hopefully we are soon going to be getting a lot more information because Naoki "Yoshi P" Yoshida the director and producer of both FFXIV and FFXVI has said that they are doing really well with the development of 16 and we'll get it sooner than later.

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