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Activision Fires 20 Employees

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A couple of days ago I reported that Guardians of the Galaxy, which is going to be releasing soon, was reportedly going to take 150GB on PC based on listing on Steam. Now the official Guardians of the Galaxy Twitter has tweeted out saying, "Hey, everyone, we wanted to give you an update on the final size of the PC version of the game, which will not be 150GB. The team in the last stages of optimizing the final game. And we can confirm the file size will be approximately 80GB at launch." Now, the only reason why this was brought up or even spoken about is 150GB would have made it bigger than Microsoft Flight Simulator. That's why people were very curious about how is it possible that this single player game could be so huge? It's not, as simple as that, it's nearly half of what has been projected. The next bit of news for today is Riders Republic, which is the upcoming sports game coming out from Ubisoft, will have a free week so you'll be able to jump in between the 21st and 27th* October and play the game on Xbox, on PC, on PlayStation, on Stadia and so on, but only for 4 hours maximum. You can decide how you're going to do that, how you're going to approach that and then the game itself will be coming out on the 28th. It's up to you. Give it a go. If you're curious about it, now is your last chance to jump in for free before the game is fully released. And then the last bit of news for today is Activision has now fired 20 employees, with a further 20 employees reprimanded over the ongoing harassment and discrimination claims that came up some time ago. They are taking action. They've expanded their compliance team to make sure that issues that have been ongoing, like they have in the past will not happen again. But of course, for legal reasons, they're not going to name any of the employees that have been shown the door. It's good that they're taking action and it's what I said previously. It's good that these issues have come to light rather than people suffering in silence. Hopefully it will mean eventually a good working environment for the employees at Blizzard and Activision. But if that's not the case, then hopefully we'll still have people at the company who will highlight the problems. This sort of attitude of highlighting issues is I think, a good thing and it should be a global attitude from all development Studios. Simple as that. So we can root out this problem in the gaming industry.

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