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Nintendo 64 Games on Switch

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Capcom have launched a website to celebrate the 20th anniversary of Ace Attorney. You can go to the website. You can see all information about the different games or different titles over the years and people are still hoping that there will be a new Ace Attorney. I guess this is a strong indication that there will be because they have made this website. Check it out just in case you're a fan. The next bit of news for today is Game Informer now have pre alpha gameplay footage of the next Saints Row. In case you want to take a look at it and you want to see how well it runs, what it looks like, what the open world looks like and so on, then check out that video. It's pretty interesting. You know, I do like open world games and graphically the game is a massive step up from the previous Saints Row game. In case you're a fan, then check it out. And then the last bit of news for today is Nintendo has confirmed that all Nintendo 64 games which are coming to the Nintendo Switch by the Expansion Pass will be running at 60 Hz in the European region. There was some different reports that is going to be like the old time? You rewind the clock 20 years back in the Nintendo 64 era. In Europe (PAL) it used to run up 50 Hz and then in NA (NTSC) it used to run at 60 Hz, but times have changed now it will just be 60 Hz everywhere. Simple as that. I'm really looking forward to jumping into it. I will most likely buy the Nintendo 64 controller they're going to be selling because Zelda 64 Ocarina of Time is my favorite game of all time. There's no game that's come even close to it because it was 20 years ahead of his time as history has shown us. We will see what it looks like and how well it runs when it finally releases. I'm looking forward to it.

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