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Metal Gear Solid 3 Remake

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Virtuos, who is a development studio, is rumoured to be working on a remake for Metal Gear Solid 3. They have worked with many Studios in the past on many, many titles, but it's one of the sort of development Studios that helps other Studios make their games better. That's the sort of slogan and tagline of them. Think of them like Bluepoint Games. Bluepoint Games helped PlayStation remake a lot of the old classics. We will see if there's any announcement about that in the near future. I did really enjoy the original Metal Gear Solid games, so that were directed by Hideo Kojima. We will see. The next bit of news for today is apparently there's a lot of toxicity going on in the New World community, which should be a surprise to no one. To be perfectly honest, because basically any systems in any games which allow people to exploit or whatever, then players are gonna do it. Some players have been scamming other players out of vast amount of gold. Some people have been working together to mass report other players to get them temporarily banned so they can win wars and stuff like that. Hopefully Amazon will pay attention to these loopholes. Let's call them and fix them quickly to prevent this sort of behavior in the future. It's not a case of, you know, if they should, if they shouldn't and so on. You give someone the option, they will do it simple as that. You know, there's no if and that's just gaming for you. That's the Internet for you. You have a lot of people who think they're really smart or think they're really clever and simply these systems need to be fixed. And then the last bit of news for today is the GTA Trilogy is rumored to be coming out in December. There are retailers which have got a leak or a hint that a boxed edition of the GTA Trilogy Definitive Edition, which I reported on a couple days ago*, will get a December release, and also there's reports that the original GTA Trilogy collection, like the original games, are now going off sale. I guess Rockstar Games is getting ready for the definitive edition and the remakes, which makes sense, I suppose so.

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