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Kratos Actor On Delay

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PlayStation has acquired Bluepoint Games. Bluepoint Games is responsible for creating such beloved remakes as Uncharted The Nathan Drake Collection or more recently, the Demon's Souls remake. They made it from the original game and they made it so much better. It seemed that it was rumored for a while that they were going to be acquired and some people believed that actually they were acquired a couple of weeks ago. But now it's been officially announced that if it has happened, it was shared on the PlayStation Blog. It was also shared by Hermen Hulst who is the Head of PlayStation Studios and also as well they've said that the next game from Bluepoint Games will actually be an original game. It won't be just a remake, so I guess and I hope they do well at the PlayStation family. The next bit of news for today is PC Building Simulator will be free on Epic Game Store between 07 and 14 October 2021. I actually have played it before. It's a really fun game, so if you've ever built PCs before it's very chill and there's nice music to it as well. And what you have to do basically is that you have to build your computers and fix them and update them based on your customers requirements. They might just need a clean out. They might need an increase of RAM, they might need a new graphics card installed and so on. And you have to also manage the shipments of products because you don't have all the products with you. You have to order some and you have to manage the expectation of the customers based on the orders. And as you play it more and more and you're establishing your PC building business in the game, the orders become more complicated. You have to manage everything better and so on. It's very fun for someone like me to play a game like that, so please be sure to redeem it for free. The way it works is on a Epic Game Store is that all you do is add it to your account and it'll be on your account forever. You don't have to pay for a subscription like PlayStation Plus, you don't have to do anything like that. It's just will be available for you between the 7th and 14th so go for it. And then the last bit of news for today is Christopher Judge, who is the actor behind Kratos in God of War has revealed that the game was actually delayed as in God of War Ragnarok because of him. He sent out a couple of tweets yesterday quote "100% in my feels right now. I need to be forthcoming. This has been approved by no one. To the beloved fandom Ragnarok was delayed because of me. August 2019 I couldn't walk. I had to have back surgery both hips replaced and knee surgery. They waited for me to rehab." And then continues "No threats, no 'who do you think you are?' nothing but love and support. And Sony Santa Monica has never said a word about the delay and what caused it. Studios are assholes. But this company, from the top to the bottom should give us hope. What they did for the crew is way more." And I think hopefully we can all agree that someone's health matters more than anything, let alone businesses or deadlines or whatever. Simply, he took care of his health first, you know, and I'm glad that he got the support from Sony Santa Monica to do that. And I am looking forward to God of War Ragnarok because I absolutely loved God of War from 2018, and I'm looking forward to the next one. Definitely.

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