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Kate Collateral Damage

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The movie Kate that premiered on Netflix quite recently is getting its own game called Kate Collateral Damage. The movie is based around the idea of an assassin called Kate who is fighting her way through the Tokyo criminal underworld. I have seen that. I thought it was quite good. The main actress in the movie is Mary Elizabeth Winstead. You might know her as Ramona Flowers from Scott Pilgrim if you haven't been keeping up with her since then, and it's a fun movie as well. It's nice again to see more movies getting a crossover to gaming, that's for sure. The next bit of news for today was yesterday was Outbreak Day, which is Naughty Dogs way of celebrating The Last of Us and the game releases and so on. And they've also released the first screenshot of what the TV show is looking like and how it's shaping up. They released a letter as well as a PlayStation Blog addressed to the community, which basically said that they're still working on the multiplayer. The multiplayer for The Last of Us 2, is actually going to be its own standalone game and they're still recruiting developers to help them develop it. Hopefully, sooner than later we're going to see what that materializes in. Is it going to just be a modern Factions from the first game, or is it going to be something else? I guess we'll see. And then the last bit of news for today is the upcoming version of Steam is testing a control which would allow them not to let the users downgrade the versions of games. And the reason why that's been picked up is because speed runners tend to downgrade versions of games to go to old versions of games without patches, for example, because there might be elements in it which allow them to do the speed runs quicker. And that is a very common thing, depending on which speed runners you watch. If Steam actually outright disable the ability for speed runners to do that, then at some point maybe the users will stop actually upgrading Steam if they can, which I think will be very hard to do to be very honest. We'll see if this happens or doesn't happen in the future, but it was picked up by Steam DB, and we will see what effect it has in the future.

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