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Bayonetta 3 Gameplay

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Last night there was a Nintendo Direct and they showed off over 40 minutes worth of gameplay. I uploaded my reaction video to my main YouTube channel, so go check it out. My highlights from the event was the fact that they are making Nintendo 64 games available on the Nintendo Switch, including my favorite game of all time Zelda 64 Ocarina of Time. On top of that, they announced Sega Genesis games as well as controllers, so you'll be able to buy a wireless Nintendo 64 controller or a wireless Sega Genesis controller to use with the Switch. I find that very interesting. And they finally showed us gameplay of Bayonetta 3, which they've been working on it for the last four years, but we still have to wait til next year until we can get our hands on it. It's good to finally see Bayonetta resurfacing they've been working hard on it. The next bit of news for today is Life is Strange Remastered Collection, which is Life is Strange and Life is Strange Before The Storm are getting remastered for modern generations and they've also gone ahead and redone some of the animations with motion capture. Some of them used to be just done (animated) manually by moving around. But motion capture means that they actually got people to wear suits to capture the movement more naturally and more fluidly. I'm looking forward to that. I will definitely jump in again. And then the last bit of news for today is Crystal Dynamics are actually working on a new Perfect Dark game. Perfect Dark was one of the most popular games back on the Nintendo 64, so very long time ago, and it's nice that they are working with Crystal Dynamics, which is a Square Enix studio responsible for the recent Tomb Raider games to create the new Perfect Dark and bring it to the modern generation. Because I remember back then we're talking like 20+ years ago, they used to be the amazing games on Nintendo 64 like GoldenEye, also Perfect Dark, and Banjo Kazooie. Perfect Dark was one of them. It was way up there. It's interesting to know that a new Perfect Dark game is coming.

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