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PlayStation Showcase

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Last night was the PlayStation Showcase. It was a massive livestream which showed off a lot of upcoming games for PlayStation 5. And among the highlights for me were games like Project Eve, which came out of nowhere. Basically, it was the first look at the new game. It's a cross between Bayonetta or Nier or so many games combined. It's got amazing graphics, it seems to have really fun looking combat and so on. And then we also got new trailers for God of War Ragnarok, they announced Spider-Man 2. Insomniac Games also announced that they're working on a Wolverine game and there was a whole list. It lasted for about 40 minutes of trailers. And then it went on for another half hour for interview about certain games. What I would recommend to do if you haven't seen it, go on to my gaming channel, my main gaming channel, and look for my reaction. Simple as that. And if you're watching this on YouTube, I will link it in the description. The next bit of news for today is, I reported a couple of days ago about the squeeze on under 18s in China. If you're under 18 in China, you can only play games now for 1 hour on Friday, Saturdays, (Sundays) or holidays. And obviously that relates to online games. The Chinese regulators are attacking the games even further. What they're doing now is they're saying to these big companies that the games cannot target, just making profit. They can't target just making money because you see certain practices and some games like loot boxes or random rolling like things where you might have to spend a lot of cash in order to stay ahead. And some games generally you can only get ahead by spending lots of money and they don't want any of that anymore. And for that reason they're actually now not approving games anymore until the new designs are being met. Shares in Tencent and NetEase, which are two of the biggest gaming companies in China, have now fallen as a result and fallen even further. They already fell because of the restriction under 18 gamers. Now they're falling even further. They have identified what they think is a really big problem in gaming and they are taking action against it. In my case, I could say I'm not really for the restrictions on kids, because I believe personally that's down to the responsibility of the parents, but that's them. But then also as well. I think taking action against shady practices which try and maximize profits rather than fun or whatever. I think that's a good thing, but that's a big debate that I'm sure will go on for a long time. Then the last bit of news for today was yesterday there was actually a new trailer released for the next Matrix movie called Matrix Resurrections and it was a very interesting trailer to watch. But the reason why I bring it up for the gaming news is because somehow hardcore Matrix fans are linking what they were shown in the trailer with the Matrix Online game, which came out like ages ago and is now dead. But basically they're trying to tie the two together to make predictions about what's going to be in the movie. I thought that was really interesting. But I would say to watch the trailer if you're a fan of the Matrix movies, the new trailer looks really interesting. There are some notable characters who are there, which is great. But then there are some notable characters who are missing. That's the issue that people are talking about.

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