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Final Fantasy 7 Remake PC

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Final Fantasy VII Remake is rumored to be coming out on PC via the Epic Game Store and indications are showing that it might be revealed soon. We will see. I know that some people have been waiting for the PC release so that they can really, really ramp up the graphics. I already think it looked fantastic on PlayStation 4 and on PlayStation 5 it looked even better. I won't be revisiting the game, but I know that plenty of people will. The next bit of news for today is Tencent is going after commercial websites who are selling accounts who are designed to get around the new laws in China. I reported a couple of days ago that in China, if you're under 18, you're only allowed to play (online) games for like 1 hour on Friday, Saturday, Sunday and holidays. But some websites are already trying to monetize and get around that, but because it is the responsibility of the game developers to make sure that these rules are enacted. That's why companies like Tencent, who is pretty much the biggest gaming company in China, are going after these websites to make sure that this doesn't happen, so they don't get blamed. It's interesting. It was inevitable that something like this would happen, but rules are rules as they say. And then the last bit of news for today is a new trailers come out for Death Stranding. It's actually the final trailer because of the Death Stranding Director's Cut, which is coming out in a couple of weeks. It was a very interesting trailer. I watched it. It was edited by Hideo Kojima himself, and it has an interesting sound track as well, but it's revealed new details as well about, for example, a blood urine gun and stuff like that. I've said time and time again that the game is weird in its presentation, but there is a much deeper meaning to it. If you absorb the story. You can check out the trailer and just let me know what you think.

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