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Destiny 2 The Witch Queen Expansion

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Bungie announced yesterday the next expansion for Destiny 2 called The Witch Queen, which will be launching in February 2022. They did a massive Livestream event yesterday which showcased what the story potential is going to be about. What they were saying is that this will be the end of the Light and Darkness Saga story, which has been going on for the last ten years in the Destiny games. And then we'll see what happens after that. But if you have an interest in Destiny or Destiny 2 know that this is coming. The next bit of news for today is EA have pledged actually to give away some of its patents for free in regards to accessibility to help with disabled gamers. The idea is, they have some patents of some technology which allows accessibility to be done better in games, and they're going to give it away for free to any studio who they want to work with. But obviously they reserve the right to not give it to everyone. Simple as that. Like they still own the Patent, but they are giving away for free. When I say giving away for free, it just means that other studios potentially will be able to use the technology in their games without having to pay a license fee to EA. That's the idea of giving away a Patent for free. And then the last bit of news for today, yesterday was Hideo Kojima's 58th birthday. Happy birthday, Hideo Kojima! And he has said in a statement that he already knows that his body is already starting to fail him. But his mind, his creativity is still intact, and he pledges to keep creating games as long as his mind allows him to, even if his body fails him. A bit of a depressing note but that's just that's life, I guess.

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