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Resident Evil Remake Remade

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The Skyrim Anniversary Edition has been announced, which will be an upgrade to the Skyrim Special Edition. If you have the Skyrim Special Edition already, you can upgrade it to the anniversary. It basically will include even more upgrades and a lot of them are mods which they're actually bringing into the game. This is the 400 billionth rerelease of Skyrim, so I think they'll keep rereleasing it as long as people give them money for it. Why not? It's just money. Also as well, there seems to be a cult following towards Skyrim. I have personally played Skyrim. I didn't like it, so I know there's such a lot of love towards a game I didn't like it for it sucked. The combat is terrible, the world was interesting to explore, but I just really didn't like it. I don't understand why it has such appeal, but as long as people enjoy it, as long as people like it, maybe someday someone can show it to me and explain it to me why it's good. Because I am not convinced. The next bit of news for today is Gamescom 2021 is going to be having it's Opening Night Live on Wednesday, which we have received a lot of teasers for the last few days and they've now released a Hype trailer. It's about a minute long. It was edited by Geoff Keighley himself, and it showcases 30 games that they're gonna be showing off during Gamescom, but during Gamescom they're gonna be showing off even more than 30 games. They said on Opening Night Live they might be upwards of 50. You can check it out if you're curious what games are going to be showing. And then the last bit of news for today is the official Capcom Twitter has published and teased a small quote from the original Resident Evil from Resident Evil 1, and that's it. They've not said anything else is just a tease from the Keeper's Diary. And it's leading to a lot of speculation that there might be another remake of the original Resident Evil game because the original Resident Evil game came out back in the 90s and then it was remade in 2002 on the GameCube. And that's the current version that most people will play if they play the original Resident Evil. Maybe we'll get a remake of the remake, which is curious. And it's interesting if we actually get that. Maybe they'll make it more in line with the current remakes, like we've had 2 Remake and 3 Remake so far. And I'm all for it to be honest, because I think it brings more people into the series because I really enjoyed 2 and 3 Remake and I loved Village and I was waiting to see if there's more details about Resident Evil 4 Remake rather than going back to the old games.

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