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Frostpunk 2 Scam

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Cyberpunk 2077 is soon going to be having Patch 1.3 released, and the patch notes have already been released with it, which includes the basic standard fixes for the game and improvements and so on. But it's also going to include some new DLC and in the DLC is purely cosmetic, but you'll get two new jackets for V, which is the main character that you control, a new alternative appearance for Johnny Silverhand, Keanu Reeve's character and a new vehicle, but it's purely cosmetic. You can earn it all in-game by just playing the game. I personally am still waiting. I've mentioned it many times before. I'm still waiting to play Cyberpunk 2077 when it has a full PlayStation 5 release, official PlayStation 5 release, and people start saying that this is the way the game should have been at release. Eventually people will start saying that usually as a way to critique the game, but like for me, that's just a strong indication, okay, now I'll play it. I did play it when it first came out and I could barely, my PC couldn't handle it. And then I tried GeForce Now and it was okay. But basically, I just want to see it live on my PlayStation 5. Hopefully, that will happen sooner than later. When it does happen, I am still intending to actually play the game and go through 100%, but I'm waiting patiently. The next bit of news for today is the Ghost of Tsushima Director's Cut is going to be releasing tomorrow. What that will do is it will give a PlayStation 5 specific version for Ghost of Tsushima where you'll be able to upgrade your PlayStation 4 version or just get the Ghost of Tsushima Director's Cut directly for your PlayStation 5. And it will also include an expansion which where the players will be exploring somewhere called Iki Island, and it will have its own story and missions and stuff like that. And hopefully it's own trophies as well, because and I am a Trophy Hunter. I am looking forward to jumping into that as well because when we saw, for example, Final Fantasy VII Remake going from PlayStation 4 to Playstation 5 the jump was like OMG. The PlayStation 4 version of Final Fantasy VII Remake already looked good, but the PlayStation 5 version just blew it out of the water. Looking at the preview videos they've already released for Ghost of Tsushima Director's Cut, I am definitely looking forward to it. The last bit of news for today is Frostpunk 2 just got announced a couple of days ago. I did make a reaction to the announcement on my main gaming channel. I'm very excited about it. It#s being developed by 11 bit Studios. 11 bit Studios themselves actually tweeted out, I think yesterday, that a reseller, retailer, whatever you want to call them, an online website that sells games is already selling Frostpunk 2. And the reason why they don't like that is because they've not even decided the price of the game. What they're saying is that most likely, this is not pre orders. this is probably just a scam. Be aware of this. And also as well, other game companies are rallying around 11 bit Studios over this, including CD Projekt Red even. Even they've tweeted out their support saying that they want to raise awareness of this issue. That simply a game has been announced, but there's not even a price. What's this person thinking trying to take preorders and steal people's money. I wanted to raise awareness for them as well. because I do like 11 bit Studios. I like the game and I don't want to see people get scammed out of their money. Just wait, just wait. I know people are, some people are, really excited to play it. They've even announced it's already entered the top 50* most wish-listed game on Steam. Just wait. Just be patient. Don't be so quick to give away your money for this game. Just wait.

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