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New South Park Game

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Xbox is going to be doing a live stream on 24 Aug 2021 starting at 6 PM UK or 1 PM Eastern to showcase what they've been working on and there is speculation that there's not going to be that much new stuff that's announced. It's probably going to be stuff we already know, but at least we'll potentially get some updates or new trailers or stuff like that. I always look forward to the showcases that Xbox do, PlayStation do or any big game studio because curious about it. Like one that I'm really excited about seeing is any update about Final Fantasy VII Remake Part Two. We have to wait and see. The next bit of news for today is Take Two, who are the parent company of Rockstar who created GTA, are working on three unannounced remasters of games have already been released. Right now they've already confirmed that they're working on the next gen version of GTA 5 and a standard alone version of GTA Online. That's separate. But there is three games unannounced, which they're working on. I hope personally that they remake or remaster GTA III. I actually really like GTA III back on PlayStation 2. I guess we'll see. And then the last bit of news for today is the creators of South Park has signed a massive deal with Comedy Central, worth something like 900,000,000 dollars, which will include 14 movies and some new seasons for the TV show, as well as a new game for South Park. So the previous two games for South Park are South Park The Stick of Truth and South Park The Fractured but Whole. We'll see what new game comes out for it. Well, if you're a longrunning fan of South Park, know that another game is in the works right now by South Park Studios.

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