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Dead Space Remake

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A new report has come out and has been published by Bloomberg, which explains how Warcraft 3 Reforged was launched by Blizzard, knowing full well that the game was not ready. And a lot of people complained about the quality of the game compared to the original, and it lacked a lot of features. And they've cited reasons why aggressive management and just overall bad planning and bad everything that led to the lackluster release. So Blizzard is having a wonderful week. Let's just say that this information came out like yesterday. And then the next bit of news is Battlefield 2042 will have a portal mode which will allow you to have the older Battlefield game modes in the game. So there will be maps and vehicles from Battlefield 1942, Bad Company 2 and Battlefield 3. And in the portal mode you'll be able to edit it and play it as you wish. And they gave some examples yesterday during the EA Play about how that could possibly look depending on predefined modes which people are setting up, including people like CourageJD, who is a big content creator. So we'll see how that turns out. And then the last bit of news, right at the end of the EA conference, there was a short teaser trailer for Dead Space Remake. So Dead Space is a 2007 Sci-fi Horror game which came out from a studio which actually now doesn't even exist anymore, but EA owns it and they own the IP, so they are going to be remaking it from the ground up completely when it's going to come out. I don't know, but if you're interested in Dead Space, you can watch the one minute teaser that they released and see what you think of it.

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