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Steam Deck Details

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The Steam Deck has been announced, which is a handheld PC created by Valve to play Steam Games, but it will also play Epic Games. Even though Epic Games is the direct rival to Steam Games, the Steam Deck will support both. Simple as that. It's basically a handheld PC. You can find the specs online. It's got a screen that's slightly bigger than the Nintendo Switch OLED at 9.4 inches. And if that's your sort of thing, then know that it's coming. And it's set to come out in the UK, Europe and Canada and US in December and then the rest of the world later next year. So we'll see. Let me know what you think of that as a thing. I personally won't be getting it because I don't travel anywhere and my my set up is more than enough, but it's nice that they are going into that space. Let's say, as I said in my many previous videos, like more competition in the space is always a good thing because it forces other rivals to increase their game. Simple as that. The next bit of news is the Xbox boss. Phil Spencer has said that they can use the numbers of people playing games on Xbox Game Pass to decide whether or not to reignite old franchises. The example given was Banjo Kazooie. They had said basically, Banjo Kazooie, originally a Nintendo 64 exclusive created by Rare but now owned by Microsoft, is an example of a game that could be reignited because of how many people play on Xbox Game Pass. We have to just wait and see. It's interesting that they can use that information for that reason to justify it. And then the last bit of news also from Phil Spencer, is that he's concerned about the preservation of the history of gaming. Because the gaming industry is moving so quickly from generation to generation, so many old games are just being lost and forgotten. He would like game companies to come together to find a way to make sure that all games are preserved and having things like Xbox Game Pass or if PlayStation make their own version of someone can help keep all games alive and backwards compatibility and so on. Because I would say as well, PlayStation have not been too great when it comes to backwards compatibility compared to Xbox. We'll see in the future if good things happen.

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